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Useful Info

We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of common questions and answers about our riding at Dargle Valley Motorcycle . Browse the section, and if you can’t find what you’re looking for, get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.


How often does Dargle Valley Motorcycle Club meet?

Committee / Members meetings are the first Monday of every month.

Please keep an eye out on our calendar for race meetings and RPA days

Do I have to be a member to participate?

To come and ride with Dargle Valley Motorcycle Club and enjoy our competitions, coaching and training days, you first need to join the club. It’s super cheap, especially for families. Go HERE to join.

If you are 7 years old an over you will need a licence issued by Motorcycling NSW, its super easy to obtain just by doing a kickstart you can read all about the kickstart program in this link.  For those that are between 4 and 7 don’t worry we haven’t forgotten about you, you just need to become a member and apply for your mini licence through Motorcycling Australia (here is some information on licences), then turn up at a club day and do a club induction.

For Existing members please Log in HERE with your rider net id to renew your club membership.

Do I have to be a member to participate?

Yes you need to be a member to participate in our race days.  you will also need an MA licence to participate on race days.

RPA days are open to all members and non - members, its a chance to see if you like whats going on a try before you buy kind of thing.

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